Structural and functional aspects for defining control architectural of multi-component dynamic object
The article dealt with the multi-component dynamic systems complex control issue by the case of a unmanned aerial vehicles group. The object of research is a unmanned aerial vehicles group and the research subject is the control of a multi-component dynamic object in the conditions of unpredictable behavior of the external environment. To study such various issues it appropriate to draw up architecture of the multi-component system control. The article describes the structural and functional aspects for defining control architectural of multi-component dynamic object.
The interaction within a group of agents depends on its configuration, in particular, on the presence of a single control center or agent-leader. It should be taken into account in examining the structural aspect of a multi-component dynamic object. Three main forms of communication organization of multi-component objects are considered. The structural scheme of interaction of agents in the group is presented.
Management features include restrictions that are imposed on the system as a whole, as well as on individual objects of the group. It is conditioned by the conditions of the external environment and the impact of each agent has on the system in the course of its operations.
The functional component of the architectural description of a multi-component dynamic object control is a certain algorithm of interaction between homogeneous agents having a common target function.
The peculiarities of information exchange at different types of system control - centralized, decentralized and mixed control - are considered. UML-diagrams describing algorithms of functioning of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles at different types of system control are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of each of these types for application in the field of multi-component systems control are indicated.Full Text:
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