On the use of virtual and augmented reality
This scientific article will consider the recently emerged and actively developing new environment - Virtual Reality. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to change the technological process in all industries due to the introduction of new technologies. The article gives the concept of VR and its types, explored the concept of “virtual reality system”, after which the types of technological systems of virtual reality, features and industries of their applications will be considered. The rest of this article describes how to apply the latest VR technologies in areas such as the energy and construction industries, medicine, industry, and business. In particular, virtual reality gloves and their areas of application are described in detail. Apart from them, the application of VR technologies in the transport industry is worthy of consideration, where this technology changes the very principle of transport. Details considered the system CrossRailVR. During the construction of the underground railway, English engineers needed a special program that would contain a model of the railway system under construction so that engineers, designers could at any moment need to get into any part of the tunnel that interests them. It is noted that the use of VR for training station personnel is a leading step for the UK rail sector and what other operators can use in the future.
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