MS Excel as system of support of decision-making

D. А. Vlasov, A. V. Sinchukov


Possibilities of MS Excel in realization of various economic-mathematical methods united by the general problem of definition of an optimal solution are shown. First, Pareto's great number and optimization according to Pareto in the conditions of existence of two criteria of decision-making (the expected income and the expected risk; use of the built-in functions and visualization tools of "Chart"). Secondly, model in the form of the matrix antagonistic game having the decision in clean strategy and also the possible mixed expansion (use "Search of the decision"). Thirdly, model in the form of the statistical game meaning use of the integrated Hodge-Lehman's criterion (use of the built-in functions). It is shown that use of opportunities of MS of Excel allows it is multidimensional to consider the modelled economic situation. In particular, in the course of making decision on the choice of optimum production strategy of small enterprise the economic-mathematical methods supplementing each other were used. Considering applied orientation of mathematical training of future bachelor of economy in REU of G.V. Plekhanov the special attention in practice of teaching to mathematical disciplines is given to practical questions of support of decision-making. In particular, in the conditions of informatization of all types of activity, efforts are aimed at finding the optimum information technologies providing full support of all stages of decision-making. Within this article experience of use of MS of Excel as the systems of support of decision-making is presented, at the same time in didactic aspect we came to need to state receptions, methods and models of the theory of decision-making against the background of key problems of subject domain "Economy", but not in abstract to a form. Realization of applied orientation of training in mathematics is connected, on the one hand, with the integrative nature of tasks. On the other hand, the integrative nature of the information systems allowing to understand more deeply the problems arising in the social and economic environment and also to receive more evident and extremely concrete interpretations of results

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