Spectral Inversion in Estimation of Change in the Dominant Frequency of the Wave Field

Fedor Krasnov, Alexander Butorin


This article proposes a method of estimating the dominant frequency of a wave field along a seismic trace, developed on the basis of the spectral inversion method. The basis of the proposed algorithm is the estimation of the dominant frequency from the results of approximation of the seismic trace by wavelets from the given library. The study described was to determine the basic requirements for the formation of the wavelet library, as well as to assess the sensitivity and stability of the proposed algorithm under conditions of different contrast values at the dominant frequency, and the level of additive random interference.

The practical value of the proposed approach is to obtain additional characteristics of the observed wave field for the purpose of geological interpretation of seismic data. Among the key factors influencing the changes in the dominant frequency are: the absorbing characteristics of the medium, depending on the structure of the object under study, the interference effects that lead to a change in the frequency of the total pulse, and the influence of fracturing.

As a result of the research, practical recommendations for the implementation of the proposed algorithm are provided, as well as the sensitivity and noise immunity of the method.

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