On solving dynamic programming problems in the Wolfram Mathematica system
The computer mathematics systems can make sufficiently higher the effectiveness of solving of many applied problems, particularly probems, which can be solved using the method of dynamical programming. Such problems are considered very often by solving the problems of the optimal governing in economics and military science. In this problems is usually needs to obtain the optimal distribution of the resources between the consumers. Earlier the solution of such problems particularly for the big volumes of data was connected with serious difficulties. The construction of the multistep scheme of the solution connected with the difficulties of two sorts. By the first, it is not simple to choose the parameters of the state of the system. By the second, in many cases it is difficult to divide the solution on the steps. The usage of Wolfram Mathematica system allows to solve such problems as usual problems of the integer programming. As the examples in the work were considered the problem of target distribution, the problem of reliability of the technical system, the problem of the distribution of the resources and some other. This methodic can be used in the scientific researches, by the solving of applied problems, by the teaching in the civil and military educational organizations of the disciplines connected with the operation research and the governing solutions.
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