On economic effects of autonomous (driverless) cars

Varvara Lazutkina, Oleg Pokusaev, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Sergey Sinyagov


The article discusses the economic effects of the introduction of autonomous (unmanned) cars. Firstly, the work deals with the organization of the movement of unmanned vehicles in columns automatically formed on the road (the English term is platooning). Such a traffic pattern reduces the distance between cars or trucks using electronic and, possibly, mechanical communication. This feature allows cars or trucks to accelerate or brake at the same time. This system also provides a smaller distance between vehicles by eliminating the reactive distance required for a person’s response. Such a traffic pattern allows, for example, to significantly save a fuel and, consequently, reduce the impact on the environment. The following discussion deals with advanced driver assistance systems or ADAS - systems that assist the driver in the process of driving. They should improve vehicle safety and, in general, road safety. To date, they are practically used by all car manufacturers. Most traffic accidents occur due to human error. Enhanced driver support systems are systems designed to automate, adapt, and improve vehicle systems to provide safety and improved driving. It has been proven that the automated system provided by ADAS to the car reduces the number of traffic accidents, minimizing human error. The final section deals with the use of autonomous (unmanned) vehicles in different countries. At the same time, freight transportation is primarily considered.

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