On ontology and security of autonomous (driverless) cars

Oleg Pokusaev, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Katzin, Dmitry Namiot


The article discusses issues related to the architecture of autonomous (unmanned) car software. The work uses the English abbreviation CAV (Connected Autonomous Vehicle). Automobile vehicles today have much more complex computer systems than airplanes, due to the complex interactions of autonomous cars on the roads. The volume of software codes for aircraft control systems and CAV differ tenfold. It is simply impossible to produce such a large code with the required functional and temporal characteristics, as well as ensure its safety with the old methods. In work, the services CAV and devices through which they are realized are considered. The paper describes the process of building software code for CAV. Consideration of these processes from the point of view of world standards leads us to cyber-physical systems and ontologies. The paper describes the ontological domains of cyber-physical systems affecting CAV. International standards related to ontological CAV design and security are considered. CAV security issues, potential vulnerabilities, and possible attacks are analyzed in detail. Also reviewed are the main areas of the area for improving CAV design. These include security design, the provision of CAV software for life, avoiding unlimited vulnerability windows, and increasing the transparency of the supply chain with ontological industry solutions and a cybersecurity assessment system.

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