Digital Transport Projects with Global Navigation Satellite Systems - the road to building integrated digital transport systems

Igor Sokolov, Alexander Misharin, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Pokusaev, Yuri Lipuntsov


The article provides an analysis of projects related to the use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Computer networks, power transmission, broadcasting, and telecommunications require high-precision and synchronized time in a geographically distributed network. All of them may depend on the time received from the global navigation systems. Transportation systems, supply chains, and the general population — everyone or anyone who moves has significant advantages in positioning and navigation capabilities. The paper considers the existing global navigation systems GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou. The principles of measuring distances in GNSS are described. In the portfolio of GNSS application projects, transport dominates, and among them, the first place was occupied by aviation. However, other uses are also being considered. Transforming European railways into digital by switching to ERTMS / ETCS digital signaling while improving their security is one of the most important EU transport projects. However, the current solution, based, in fact, on the physical marking of a railway track by electronic devices (tags) is quite expensive and not sufficiently anti-vandal-proof. The transition to GNSS here is one of the main areas of work with the EU space. The many projects launched on the application of GNSS solutions in railway transport, and attempts to transfer these solutions from the aviation and automotive sectors only underline the importance of this direction

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