Digital transformation of regulatory processes: trends, approaches and solutions

Maxim Averyanov, Olga Baranova, Elena Kochetova, Ruslan Sivakov


With the development of digital technologies, it is possible to predict a significant change in processes such as cross-border movement of goods, production, economic activity, regulatory etc. There is a gradual exclusion of the person from such processes now. In the medium term the transformation of the supply chain into a value chain is very likely, involving the replacement of physical objects with digital assets (digital images of physical objects). The emergence of this new digital paradigm requires looking into the future, to prepare for it, to understand how these processes will change. New processes and subjects, whose appearance is caused by digital transformation, fundamentally should be promptly included in the legal field for the purpose of regulation. In order to keep up with the rapidly changing regulatory environment, regulations aimed at regulating the changed digital processes must become digital. Moreover, the process of norm-setting and law enforcement should become digital. Prerequisites for this already exist both in Russia and in the world practice, but so far mainly in the form of scientific publications or experiments. For the practical implementation of digitalization in the practice of rule-making and law enforcement, it is necessary to solve a lot of problems in the legal, organizational and technical aspects. An urgent task is the formation of principles and standards in the design of new essentially regulatory processes, taking into account the use of both existing and future digital technologies.

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