On Digital Signaling for Moscow City Railways

Donat Shneps-Shneppe


The article considers possible communication networks for Moscow City Railways. This fast-growing railway system requires both the modernization of existing communication network on existing lines, and the use of modern train communication systems on the under construction railway branches of the Moscow agglomeration. Communication systems are compared by technical parameters (transmission bandwidth, spectrum utilization density, number of tasks to be solved, etc.), and by technical and economic indicators in terms of cost and deployment time (the required number of base sites, interoperability with existing communication systems, etc.). Considered are networks of digital radio, broadband GSM, satellite mobile Internet, and others, including their combination. Digital radio DMR standard, which is the most modern and progressive compared to TETRA, is analyzed more than the others. The advantages and disadvantages of this standard in terms of its use as a separate communication system and in combination with other networks are considered on the example of a multitude of technical and economic issues that the task of providing communication on the railway system of the Moscow region poses.

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