On problems of the digital economy and formalized ontologies
The article deals with the application of formalized ontologies. By the term ontology, this article is an attempt to comprehensively and thoroughly formalize a certain area of knowledge using a conceptual scheme. Typically, such a schema consists of a data structure that contains all relevant object classes, their relationships, and rules (restrictions) that are adopted in a particular area. Ontologies are used in the programming process as a form of representing knowledge about the real world or its part. The main use cases are modeling of business processes, Semantic Web, artificial intelligence. Formalized ontologies are closely related to open standards and formalized knowledge of mankind about structures and procedures, the use of which brings significant economic and other benefits. From formalized ontologies, you can get a variety of external representations in text and graphical forms. In the article, this is illustrated by examples based on the Russian tool for formalized OSA ontologies. The Ontology Space Agent (OSA) platform is designed to provide the development of global interactive meta-systems of the digital triangle model: state, society, economy. Such systems, because of the unprecedented scale of the integrated knowledge, can not be developed / managed by any other methods, except for the general approaches of ontology and epistemology. The OSA platform is a technology based on the original notation of ontological descriptions, covering all stages of the life cycle of digital knowledge.
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