Description of user’s informational image of the social network with considering his psychological characteristic

O.S. Krylova (Smirnova), D.A. Vlasov, V.V. Shishkov, A.S. Alymov, I.A. Ishin, I.E. Kolesnikov, A.I. Petrov


In this article, we describe the formation of description of informational image of user of the social network “VKontakte” with considering the determination of his psychological characteristic. The article presents the confirmation of relevance of the study on the example of world experience of using a similar method, provides the comparative analysis of Russian analogs and describes the experiment on determination of the type of temperament based on analyzed data from users’ profiles, obtained by developed software. The experiment was conducted with participation of volunteers as a description of the example of formation of training selection. In addition, there are presented revealed relationships between user’s temperament and various analyzed data from his profile, based on the results of the experiment.

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