ACS’ influence on operating safety of logging manipulator-type machine
This paper considers the questions associated with the impact assessment of the ACS’s reaction on crane-manipulator’s safety of a logging machine. The statistical key figures of traumatism by logging are deduced. The main dangers occurred when using logging manipulator-type machines are identified. There is produced the calculation of basic kinematic characteristics of crane-manipulator as well as covered distance during the system’s response time with the reference to protocol performance and actuating mechanisms. Various methods of the calculation logging machine operator’s response time are described. There is implemented the comparison of test results demonstrated by ACS headed by different industrial network protocols (relatively operator’s reaction/response time). The conclusions about role and prospects of automated applications in logging manipulator-type machines are produced.
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Abava Кибербезопасность ИБП для ЦОД
ISSN: 2307-8162