Scientific and cognitive graphics in information systems on atomic spectroscopy

V.V. Kazakov, V.G. Kazakov, O.I. Meshkov, K.B. Zhumadilov


The article describes the possibilities and prospects for using graphical tools for presenting scientific data on the web. The importance of such tools for supporting scientific research and training specialists is substantiated. The graphical possibilities provided by the scientific information system on atomic spectroscopy "Electronic structure of atoms" are described. Such means of visualization of scientific data as tools for constructing spectrograms and Grotrian diagrams are considered. A unique possibility for information Internet resources in atomic spectroscopy is described: the possibility of comparative analysis of experimentally obtained spectra with reference spectra of atomic systems formed from a resource database. An experimental circular diagram of spectra is presented for the first time, which most clearly shows the structure and processes of the atomic system. The approaches and algorithms for implementing the presented graphic tools are described.

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Abava  Кибербезопасность MoNeTec 2024

ISSN: 2307-8162