Science in the context of digital economy

Elena Chebotareva


Author reveals the problems and prospects of science in the context of the digital economy. The article explores the use of altmetrics - a new bibliometric tool in the digital space and shows its problems, comparing the estimations given to altmetrics by Western and Russian researchers. The article also discusses the prospects for creating an autonomous expert community, connected with greater freedom of scientists from the pressure of scientific management and the external system of evaluation. The criteria for evaluation of scientific activity that scientists consider to be a priority are demonstrated on the graph reflected the empirical research data of the opinion of St. Petersburg State University scientists. These criteria reflect the processes in contemporary digital space of global science. The article argues that the altmetric approach could impose on science the new limitations associated with the transformation of scientific goals and values into a format of public entertainment content. Finally, the author draws attention to the connection between the digitalization of science and the prospect of change in the type of scientific rationality.

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