Considerations on the problems of creating a digital railway for the new silk road of the transcontinental logistics partnership for the economic development of the countries belonging to the EAEU and Russia

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Igor Sokolov, Oleg Dunaev, Aleksandr Zazhigalkin, Sergey Evtushenko, Alexey Stepanenko, Oleg Pokusaev, Julia Kupriyanovsky


Digital transformation of the railway affects many branches of the economy. This, of course, concerns the training of personnel. We believe that in carrying out the digital transformation of rail transport in Russia it is extremely important to once again additionally consider what is being done in Europe and China. In the US, this transformation, with similar principles, is based on PTC's own approach. Europe and China adhere to the group of standards ERTMS or the European system of signaling and control, the introduction of which has already proved its economic efficiency. And to determine how and what to do in Russia, what employees are needed on the digital railway in Russia, and it is necessary to understand what standards and practices this road will be built. Digital transformation affects not only the actual traffic management, but also other railway systems, as well as logistics. The present article is devoted to the considerations in this connection.

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