University computer school as means of formation of bases information education
The article describes the functional capabilities of the university computer school (UCS) in the formation of information education of students, a brief description of this learning outcome is given. The university computer school is distributed and represented by a network of base sites that function in general education institutions that have a cooperation agreement with the university. Training is realized on the basis of the additional educational program "Fundamentals of modern computer technologies", which is built on the use of free software. The article gives a rather detailed description of its structure and content. Students learn skills in several operating systems (Linux, Windows), study the possibilities of processing various types of information using office applications of the package (Draw graphic editor, Impress presentation program, Writer text editor, Calc calculator), learn to implement мaking newspaper publications using the Scribus program, building vector images in the Inkscape program, mastering various programs for the Internet, and also getting basic programming skills in the programming system Kumir. Tasks for students have a level character (reproductive and reconstructive tasks with elements of heuristics, creative projects). The article lists and discusses the tasks of each level of complexity.
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ISSN: 2307-8162