The UN/CEFACT Core Component Library

A.B. Korchagin, I.G. Lisikh, D.A. Nikiforov, R.L. Sivakov


The publication continues the series of articles devoted to the analysis of approaches to data modeling and revealing their key technological features. The UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (CCL) is examined. CCL is positioned as a business semantics library, covering cross-border trade processes in the area of electronic messages for the procurement, transportation and payment procedures. Although initially the library was oriented towards the use of XML technologies, it is syntactically and technologically neutral and can serve as the basis for the interchange of messages in alternative formats, such as EDIFACT, JSON, etc. CCL is supported by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, with the participation of many government organizations and commercial companies. The article deals with the main entities that make up the CCL, and the relationships between them.

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