Prediction of cluster system load using adaptive model mixture

Y.S. Artamonov


In this paper, we examine the approach to choose a high-performance environment based on the prediction of the load of cluster nodes. The aim of the work is to investigate various prediction models in application to the task of forecasting the cluster load, choose the most successful model configurations and find out how to effectively apply these models all together.

The article presents the results of comparison of EMMSP models, models based on neural networks and adaptive models for solving the task of forecasting the load of cluster resources. The following parameters of neural network models are considered: selection of activation functions, algorithms for initialization and updating of neuron weights, and coding of additional features for training the network on the basis of date and time data. The testing of adaptive selection models and adaptive composition was performed and improvement of the forecasting results was shown in comparison with the models on which they were based. Training and testing of the models was performed using the load dataset for the cluster "Sergey Korolev" for the period from November 2013 to December 2016.

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