On strategic approach to the formation of the US digital government

Vladimir Drozhzhinov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Sergey Evtushenko, Dmitry Namiot


At present, leading and ordinary employees engaged in informatization at the federal level have fuzzy ideas about the advantages of digital government and the transformation of e-government into a digital government, which hampers the introduction of relevant breakthrough technologies into the electronic government and the automation of government decision-making processes, keeping their quality at a low level. The authors of this work have studied the available online materials on the development of the US e-government and its transformation into the digital government, as well as reports of the company Accenture on the state and prospects of digital governments in the world until 2030. The US digital government was chosen because the US was the first country announced the successful completion of the corresponding initiative in mid-2013. In addition, the United States has a priority in the creation, production, and implementation of breakthrough innovative information and communication technologies that lead to a change in traditional business models in the private and public sectors. Now, when the question arose about Russia's participation, both in the global digital economy and in the regional digital economy of the EAEC, our study provides a basis for more meaningful tasks for transforming Russia's electronic government into a digital government of the digital economy.

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