Parallel Computations in Intelligent Transport System Management

Soe Moe Aung, S. Lupin, D. Fedyashin, Ba Hla Than


The complexity of the tasks which are solved in the control systems of public transport determines the topicality of the research in this field of study. In this paper we analyze the possibility of using the parallel computing in the intelligent control systems of public transport. We showed that the parallel algorithm for transportation networks analysis can used for estimating the availability of a nodes. Also the proposed algorithm can be used as an analytical tool in intelligent transportation systems for prediction a future state of the network. With the help of Intel Parallel Studio, we have developed a parallel program and examined it, to assess the scalability of the algorithm. We use the connectivity graph with 50 vertexes as a model of transportation system. This test model is analyzed by using a workstation with 2 Intel XEON E5335 processors (2.0 GHz, quad-core) and with 4x1Gb of RAM (FBDIMM 5300). Our results are shown that the proposed algorithm has a good scalability.

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