Railway station 2.0: a new pattern for the development of the digital railway

Arsenii Kitaev, Irina Mironova, Alexandra Pogodaeva, Dmitry Sokolov, Elizaveta Guseva


The article addresses the aspects linked with the new concept of railway station, based on the smart technologies, and a significantly lower level of energy consumption. Railway station 2.0 is a part of digital railway concept in response to increasing level of urbanization, high population mobility and investment activity in developing countries and the growth of the middle class. The article discusses innovative technologies that improve energy efficiency and level of digitalization, applied by railway stations of Europe, USA, China and Japan. A set of noted innovations are at an early stage of implementation in Russia. Special attention is paid to commercial and financial aspects of modern railway stations. The article may be of interest to the design engineers of railway stations, the top management of rail companies, transport and railway authorities.

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ISSN: 2307-8162