Optimizing the use of resources in the digital economy

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexey Konev, Sergey Sinyagov, Dmitry Namiot, Pavel Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Zamolodchikov


The paper discusses how to optimize the use of resources in the digital economy. The examination conducted by the example of the British organization WRAP. This organization works with businesses, individuals, and communities to translate them into a circular economy, it helps them reduce waste and use resources efficiently.  The paper presents the role of BIM as a key component of the digital economy. The paper discusses the use of BIM for the transition to a digital green and circular economy. We discuss the problems in the achieving profitability, sustainability and optimal resource usage in the construction industry. This paper describes the role of WRAP in the optimizing the use of materials, water, and energy in the UK.

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