Integration and Analysis of Unstructured Data for Decision Making: Text Analytics Approach

Ise Anderson Orobor


Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) which is highly relied on by organizations for decision making are limited in their design to integrate and analyze data from unstructured sources. Research has shown that large part of organizational information exists in unstructured sources which might contain information needed for decision making. Integrating data from unstructured sources into RDBMS for the purpose of analysis is challenging due to their inconsistent and unorganized structures. This paper is therefore, aimed at developing a system that automatically integrates unstructured data into RDBMS. Considering the invaluable role played by academic journals (which are in turn unstructured in nature) in educational domain, the system, using text analytic approach, extract relevant information from academic journals to build a structured database which can further be analyzed to support decision making.

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