Formation of engineering thinking of schoolchildren by means of 3D modeling in the context of the implementation of STEAM education technologies

T. A. Semenkova, A. Yu. Fedosov


The article reveals the relevance of the development of engineering thinking among schoolchildren in the context of the digital economy and technological progress. It is emphasized that the ability to engineering thinking, including a systematic approach to problem solving, analytical thinking and a creative approach to developing new solutions, is necessary for the successful development and application of knowledge in complex areas. The authors draw attention to the interdisciplinary nature of this process, which requires a combination of various educational approaches and the integration of practice-oriented techniques. The key components of the development of engineering thinking, such as the practical application of knowledge, teamwork, research approach and project activities focused on real problems, are highlighted in the article as the main conditions for successful skill formation. It is proved that it is advisable to build the 3D modeling methodology on a variety of educational methods, including interactive and remote technologies, which expand the possibilities for in-depth mastering of educational material. Special attention is paid to active learning within the framework of the STEAM approach, which combines scientific and artistic elements, motivating students to research and creatively solve practical problems. The authors emphasize that STEAM education not only provides students with knowledge, but also develops practical skills necessary for the application of innovative technologies in solving complex problems. The article substantiates the prospects of the 3D modeling teaching methodology as an effective means for the formation of engineering thinking among schoolchildren studying in specialized classes and preparing them for the requirements of the modern labor market. The article emphasizes the importance of using virtual and augmented reality technologies as a promising direction for improving the level of engineering thinking of schoolchildren. The integration of these technologies allows students not only to visualize complex concepts, but also to actively participate in modeling, which also contributes to the formation of critical and analytical thinking.

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