Reaction to the observed harassment and its connection with the gender factor

V. L. Nazarov, N. V. Averbukh


Cyberbullying as a phenomenon directly depends on the unspoken participants, that is, numerous bystanders who observe what is happening. Their silence, and even more so their support for the aggressor's actions, can spur the persecutor, make him put more pressure on the victim and create the victim's feeling that all Internet users are against her. In fact, when committing their actions, the persecutor focuses not only on the victim, but also on bystanders of cyberbullying, whose number may be exaggerated, since many people on the Internet silently read information without interfering with what is happening. On the other hand, one caring bystander is enough for the victim to understand that she is not alone, and the persecutor did not think that he could continue the harassment with impunity. Therefore, in order to prevent cyberbullying, an important point of effort is to work with potential bystanders. As part of this work, the study participants are invited to present themselves as bystanders of cases of cyberbullying occurring between classmates or children who are strangers to each other (school and non-school cyberbullying). Respondents are asked to choose which cyberbullying participants in which role cause a positive or negative reaction. The question arises whether preferences are related to gender. Traditionally, it is believed that boys take a more aggressive position, and girls are more likely to become victims or try to protect the victim. The results in the general charts confirmed this trend: boys treat aggressors and aggressive bystanders better than girls, and girls treat interceding bystanders. Based on this, it can be recommended to carry out different work with boys and girls in the prevention of cyberbullying, based on their characteristic preferences.

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