Orbital sign variable accelerations of artificial Earth satellites (application of the D-SELF algorithm)

A.G. Ivanov-Rostovtsev, L.G. Kolotilo


The unsteady motion of artificial Earth satellites in the boundaries between apogee and perigee is investigated. The D-SELF algorithm is used for the functional analysis of the nonlinearity of the satellite velocity. A typical model of orbital motion is considered in the context of composite motion (the D-SELF approach) in the form of uniform (linear) motion with constant velocity, and satellite oscillations with tangential sign variable accelerations along the trajectory of the orbit, like a pendulum. The extremes of the tangential sign variable acceleration of the orbital motion are determined depending on time and on the angles of the True, Eccentric and Mean anomalies. It is proposed to evaluate the controllability and stability of the satellite's orbital motion in a model of joint dynamics of tangential and centripetal accelerations based on solving a similar problem when driving a car in cases of acceleration and braking on turns.

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