Disaster Mitigation and Emergency Help with Public Address(PA) System Design Based on Audio Over Ethernet (AoE), IDS, and IOT in Hospital

Dedy Prasetya Kristiadi, Lukman Nulhakim, Fauzan Manafi Albar, Sutrisno Sutrisno, Deny Adwiyan, Fery Sudarto


This research aims to build an internet-based communication channel for disaster mitigation as well as monitoring patients during a flood disaster in a hospital environment using Audio Over Ethernet (AoE), Information Display Systems (IDS) and Internet of Things (IoT). Communication between buildings external to the hospital to provide information to patients and medical personnel who are spread out will use a Public Address System connected to an Amplifier (AoE) which can be implemented in written form using DIS. Furthermore, this device can communicate with other IP-based PA system devices such as PA System Network Controllers as servers, remote microphones or other devices over the network using IP Addresses. Which is divided into subnets for each different building, IP routes are implemented on Cisco layer 3 switches. Furthermore, IoT devices contained in patient room units will provide information in the form of conditions as well as information about safety and comfort during medical treatment. The development of an AoE, IDS and IoT based system will then be packaged in the form of an application to make it easier for medical personnel to monitor the patient's condition while providing information to the patient's family.

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