Model organization of enterprise corporate architecture for implementation of integrated management and production of executive documentation in digital format
Nowadays, the construction industry is actively implementing digital solutions that support the technological processes of construction and installation works. Particularly relevant is the digitalization of executive documentation preparation. It is a set of documents required to record the construction technology, areas of responsibility in their execution and describes the actual state of the completed project. The process of digitalization of executive documentation is actively stimulated by regulatory enactments. Each capital construction facility production has specific requirements for a set of corporate systems and services that support construction activities. Thus, the formation of executive documentation is considered to be one of the multiple business processes of the enterprise. Information for documentation objects creation, as well as the results of executive documentation development should be included in the corporate IT architecture of the organization. It is necessary to ensure the consistency of continuous data transfer between information solutions, their connectivity and relevance. Attention should be paid to compliance with the rules of infrastructure organization and information security of the company to enable users to work in IT systems. In this paper the authors present a description of the approach to the organization of the standard configuration of the corporate architecture of a construction enterprise that aims to implement digital solutions for the production of executive documentation in digital format. The processes and data that are produced by information systems to support the processes of construction activities are outlined. Approaches to setting up integrations and organizing data flows of the executive documentation system with existing information solutions are defined. The current limitations and prospects for the development of systems implementation for digital support of construction compliance monitoring processes and executive documentation processing are defined.
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