Comparative analysis of systems and methods for monitoring particulate pollution
Determination of the concentration and dispersed composition of particulate matter pollution is one of the tasks to ensure occupational safety in industry and construction. This review includes the most relevant and applied methods for monitoring the concentration of particulate air pollution.
The methods are reviewed according to the following algorithm. First, there is a brief description of the method operation, highlighting its main idea. After that, a theoretical justification of the method with the basic formulas is given. The next step is to describe a typical monitoring system using this method, highlighting the key elements. After that, the dust measurement process is described step by step. In conclusion, the effectiveness of each method is described, including the scope of its application, accuracy, key differences from other methods and the main disadvantages or features that require some special attention.
The following five methods are considered: (1) beta-attenuation method, (2) laser scattering method, (3) method that uses Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM), (4) acoustic method based on the theory of ultrasonic attenuation, (5) acoustic method based on the principles of acoustic emission. Monitoring systems based on these methods are used to determine dust concentrations in industries, construction, mines and other occupational safety tasks. However, in the dust monitoring task the method based on the principles of acoustic emission is of interest. This method determines the concentration of dust, as well as its dispersed composition in real time. Since the other methods considered do not provide analysis of dust dispersed composition along with concentration, the acoustic emission-based method deserves further development and practical implementation.
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