Software Complex for Risk-Oriented Attribute-Based Access Control Mechanism
The article aims to develop a software complex implementing a risk-based attribute access control mechanism that dynamically processes requests from target services, as well as integrating it into existing systems to demonstrate the flexibility of the solution.
The article analyzes access control models, particularly risk-based ones. The advantages of dynamic access control models are discussed. Special attention is paid to the risk-oriented model based on fuzzy logic, its distinctive features are considered, and its selection as the basis for the developed access control mechanism is explained. A software implementation of the risk-oriented access control mechanism is presented, developed using the Py-ABAC Python library. Integration with the Moodle learning and testing system has been created and tested at the pre-production level. Attention is focused on the details related to the use of the risk-oriented access control model based on fuzzy logic, its advantages, and a variation of the software implementation of the access control mechanism based on this model is proposed.
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