Modeling of high-dimentional communication networks

Yulia Terentyeva


The results of the development of a tool for modeling geographically distributed high-dimensional communication networks, which has been repeatedly used in the performance of work related to the design, modernization and operation of high-dimensional communication net-works, are presented. The emphasis is placed on the theoret-ical and algorithmic aspects, as well as on the features and functionality of the software itself. The relevance of the de-velopment is especially high in the conditions of a rapidly developing network architecture, including multiparametric facilities, the construction / modernization / operation of which is accompanied by significant costs due to the scale of modern communication networks. That is, a set of software-implemented theoretical studies in the field of communica-tion network analysis is a qualitative tool for performing technical and analytical work that precedes the construction of new communication network facilities (with the develop-ment of an optimal solution, which is extremely important and has an economic effect with geographically dispersed networks), the organization of new communication channels, and can also be considered as fundamentals of a tool for monitoring the state of a communication network and gen-erating optimal solutions to problems of processing its parameters.

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