On methods for solving computer modeling problems with limited and extended libraries of built-in functions
The possibility of using the results of complex analytical calculations obtained using the MAPLE computer system in modeling gas dynamics in the ANSYS system is considered. It is shown that, despite the limited ability to use the library of built-in special functions in the ANSYS system, the results of complex analytical calculations can be connected to this system as user-defined functions (UDFs). The custom function was developed based on B. Garfinkel's analytical theory of librational motions of Jupiter co-orbital asteroids. Based on the same theory, in this work, formulas for the dynamic viscosity and density of the ring are obtained for the case of long-period disturbances. A user-defined function (UDF) was obtained for dynamic viscosity using MAPLE CAB as a series of zero- and first-order Bessel functions. Then, Bessel functions were converted to trigonometric functions. The basic requirements for developing and connecting a UDF for the ANSYS system and the program code for a dynamic viscosity UDF are presented. The results of this work can be used to simulate the movement of gas inside a circular disk in the ANSYS system, as well as to study the dynamics of gas and dust in gas-dust disks of young single stars.
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