The impact of polyhedral optimizations on data locality when parallelizing affine programs in the context of ATAX case study

Artem Lebedev


The article examines the impact of polyhedral optimization on an important property of the program — locality of data use, which is closely related to the possible limitation of its performance both in sequential and parallel execution. A new method for finding multidimensional schedules of affine programs is proposed, combining topological sorting of the vertices of a generalized dependence graph and the greedy scheme developed by P. Feautrier (with modifications previously proposed by the author). Experimental results of studying the performance of parallel versions of the polybench/atax program obtained using the modern translator (pluto) and the translator developed by the author (ilpy) are presented, which allows to compare two approaches to setting optimization problems when finding affine mappings: lexicographic optimization (pluto) and integer linear programming (ilpy). Using the oprofile/ocount profiling tools, the inefficiency of using multi-core processor caches was revealed and the need to improve the criteria for the optimality of schedules and placements of computations for affine programs was shown.


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