Countering Prompt Injection attacks on large language models

Ramina Mudarova, Dmitry Namiot


Machine learning models have brought with them a new class of cyber attacks: adversarial attacks. Large language models are no exception and are also susceptible to attacks. Such attacks are becoming increasingly dangerous in the context of the use of deep learning and artificial intelligence in various fields. In the world of modern computing and artificial intelligence, security plays a key role and more and more attention is being paid to countering such attacks. Attacks on large language models include, but are not limited to, runtime attacks known as Prompt Injection. These attacks aim to disrupt large language models by injecting malicious instructions or prompts to corrupt the model's output, which can have serious consequences for the confidentiality and integrity of information. Technically, they turn out to be one of the easiest for attackers to execute. In this regard, there is a need to research and develop effective strategies to counter Prompt Injection. This article is devoted to the research and development of effective algorithms and methodologies capable of detecting and blocking Prompt Injection attacks in order to improve system security and protection from malicious influences. The key goal of the work is to implement these methods in the form of software solutions, as well as evaluate their effectiveness through experiments using various metrics on test data. The scientific novelty of this development lies in the creation of unique protection mechanisms that can ensure reliable security of language models from Prompt Injection attacks.

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