Comparative analysis of platforms for digitalization of public services

V.V. Britvina, A.С. Agostinho, G.P. Konyukhova


A comparative analysis of the technologies used in public services is presented. Based on the results of the review, conclusions are presented on the applicability of this experience in the Republic of Angola. Attention is also paid to the study of one of the main types of threats to web services and portals, especially those of a state nature. Based on the study of distributed denial of service, it is understood that developers of DDoS attack tools have flexible initialization capabilities and their design methods. This gives DDoS attacks the characteristics of uncertainty and unpredictability. As a result of these reasons, the focus falls on studying this threat in order to collect the required knowledge that will allow us to identify some patterns in scenarios and find a universal solution for prevention or forecasting. With this knowledge, you can increase the effectiveness of protection against DDoS attacks. Part of the research work is devoted to simulating a DDoS attack using the mathematical model M/M/k/n for queuing systems in order to determine the quantitative measure of its impact on the victim. The experiments conducted in this study show that the server is practically not used in its usual conditions, thus it has high availability and low average load. However, at the time of creating a large volume of false requests from an attacker, its load increases dramatically and, thus, leads to a decrease in availability. An example of using T. Saati's method to select a priority object from the selected alternatives is shown. The results of the experiment make it possible to predict the damage from a DDoS attack with varying degrees of intensity and, based on the values obtained, apply protective measures in the process of developing a web portal.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.12.202404.116-124

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