An Approach to Generating Recommendations for Improving the Performance of Software for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms

Artyom V. Gorchakov, Liliya A. Demidova


The widespread use of heterogeneous computing platforms, as well as the incorporation of computationally expensive implementations of intelligent data analysis algorithms into modern software systems leads to the demand in moving software fragments to most suitable hardware accelerators that are available on a heterogeneous computing platform. In this research, we propose an approach to the generation of recommendations for improving the performance of software systems by finding candidate algorithm implementations for hardware acceleration, and by suggesting the most suitable hardware accelerator among the specialized processors that are available on a given heterogeneous computing platform. The proposed approach is based on a code-to-code search technique, which extracts code fragments from an abstract syntax tree (AST), converts them into vectors containing program features, and compares the vectors with the query program vector. The obtained results confirm that the use of automatically recommended hardware accelerators for the code fragments identified using the proposed approach indeed allows to increase the performance of software systems solving machine learning tasks.

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