Web3 Architectural Models
This article discusses the main architectural components (models) of Web3. There is some ambiguity in the literature regarding the latter designation. Web 3.0 still corresponds to the semantic web (as a further development of the Web 2.0 approach - dynamic content created by network users). In this article, Web3 technology is considered specifically as a decentralized web. The core idea of Web3 is to give data ownership back to users through decentralization. Web3 should allow users to have full control over the data and content they create. It is the users (owners of information) who must decide who can access this information. Web3 achieves this through decentralized data storage based on blockchain technologies and sovereign identity based on DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). The basic idea of Web3 is to implement a serverless Internet, that is, a global network in which users generate content that they own.
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