Creating a corpus of Russian texts with markup of syntactic group systems

Dmitriy V. Demidov, Igor V. Evchenko


The paper analyzes the ways of representing syntactic structure of a sentence. The disadvantages of formalisms and major problems in the construction of sentence’ syntactic structure are highlighted. The technology of forming a syntactically tagged corpus of Russian texts is described, in which the syntactic structure of sentences is represented by the tagged system of syntactic groups (SSG) of Gladky A.V. SynTagRus serves as a source material for the corpus. The paper describes a method of using the CoNLL-U format for representing SSGs and examples of rules for selecting syntactic groups based on dependency trees. Software tool for transformation of dependency trees into SSGs and tool for visualizing SSGs are presented. The results obtained make it possible to create a syntactic parser that builds SSGs using machine learning methods not excluding the applicability of the traditional approach.

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