Digital Ecosystems and the Right to Refuse Technology

D. S. Denisov


The article considers the issue of digitalization of political processes in the context of digital ecosystems. The concept of a digital ecosystem and related social phenomena are investigated. The potential influences of digital ecosystems on particular social institutions are assessed. It is argued that one of the consequences of the digital transformation may be the development of trends for social exclusion of those categories of the population, who, for certain reasons, are unwilling or unable to use digital technologies. As a legal and ethical guarantee to ensure equal and non-discriminatory participation in social processes, it is proposed to establish by law the institution of the right not to interact with the state and society digitally. Based on the analysis of academic sources, the arguments of many researchers in favor of the development of this legal institution are presented. It is concluded that there is a need to ensure equal and non-discriminatory access for people to participate in fundamental social processes, excluding the actual loss of rights (including participation in government) of an entire category of citizens.

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