Website as an object of digital heritage: problems of identification and systematization

N. V. Borisov, V. V. Zakharkina, I. A. Mbogo, D. E. Prokudin, P. P. Shcherbakov


The development of information and communication technologies has led to the emergence of digital cultural forms, which are cultural heritage as well as traditional objects of cultural heritage. At the same time, modern trends in the development of culture in the information society generate both digitized objects of cultural heritage (secondary digital heritage) and various digital objects that have no analogues in the real world (primary digital heritage). The dynamic development of information and communication technologies has posed as an urgent problem of preserving the digital heritage, which has been solved since the beginning of the XXI century both at the international and national levels. This is due, among other things, to the fact that digital objects exist in various formats and, with the development of information technology, may become unavailable due to the obsolescence of technological solutions, with the termination of support for certain data formats used in their creation and other reasons. This situation poses problems not only of preservation, but, above all, of identifying objects of digital heritage. The issues of classification, description and systematization of identified objects become relevant. The solution of these problems, in the future, will allow organizing and carrying out continuous systematic activities to preserve the digital heritage and ensure effective access to it. In this study, based on the analysis of world experience, approaches to the identification, description and systematization of digital heritage objects are proposed. Special attention is paid to such a digital object as a website (information system), which is due to its complex structure and dependence on many factors. The possible role of the "Center for the Study, Preservation, Restoration and Actualization of Cultural Heritage Objects" created at St. Petersburg State University in theoretical, methodological and practical activities in the field of description and preservation of digital heritage is considered.

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