Patient-oriented digital healthcare development: overcoming the digital divide among the elderly population using a chatbot

P. S. Kalinin, G. M. Orlov


This article discusses the transition to a patient-centered healthcare model after the formation of basic conditions for digitalization in the field of medicine. This transition involves not only changing the methods and regulations for providing medical care, but also the development of new technological tools that will make health care more accessible and convenient for patients. Within the framework of the Digital clinic project, services for patients in a chatbot are being actively developed at the Northwest District Scientific and Clinical Center named after L. G. Sokolov FMBA of Russia. The chatbot is an innovative tool capable of serving patients and providing them with the necessary services. Special attention is paid to the interaction of the medical institution with elderly patients. In this project, there is a study of the features and possibilities of using digital services in a chatbot by older people. According to the hypothesis, using a chatbot is much easier and more convenient for elderly patients thanks to a simple and intuitive interface similar to messengers. The introduction of such innovative technologies can significantly increase the accessibility and convenience of receiving medical care and the necessary information about health support for all patients, including the elderly.

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