Interdisciplinary electronic training course "Computer animation, computer graphics": development, methodological features, implementation experience

A. V. Savankova, A. Yu. Fedosov


The methodology of studying the discipline "Computer animation, computer graphics" with an emphasis on various methodological approaches to the use of educational electronic technologies, distance learning technologies are discussed in this article. The development of a comprehensive methodology for studying computer graphics is the most important aspect of ensuring that students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for successful work in this dynamically developing field. This article presents the development of an electronic training course on computer graphics and animation, implemented in a full-time learning system, performed on the Moodle platform. The general characteristics, objectives of the course, the content of the constituent elements (modules) are given in the course, organizational forms of training, the logical structure of the training course is presented, and the example of the typical practical task is also presented. The results of experimental work on the organization of classes on the developed e-learning course for 1st-year students of the specialty 55.02.02 "Animation" (by type) are presented.

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