Tags as the basis of the architecture of a cyber-physical system
This article discusses the use of electronic tags in cyber-physical systems. In our work, electronic tags are understood as autonomous devices with their own power supply system, which are configured to transmit any information. Device configuration can be either static or dynamic. Data transfer protocols can and do vary, but in practice, there are absolute leaders chosen by industrial manufacturers. In practice, most of these solutions are centered around Bluetooth. The need to support the long-term operation of such systems without replacing power supplies has led to the popularity of low-power solutions, in particular Bluetooth Low Energy. A big impetus for the development of this type of system was the initial support of Apple. The article discusses both application models and architectures of software systems. Separately, the possibilities of using mobile phones as dynamic tags, the use of tags to replace geo-computing, and the prospects for using 5G technology are considered. An important and open issue remains standardization and ensuring interoperability of such systems. The work considers both applications for Smart City and Industrial Systems.
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