Design of a Smart Project Management Information Systems to improve the performance of projects implementation in a multi-project environment

V.A. Tsallagova


In the current business environment, project managers should be proactive - make quick and informed decisions, effectively allocate limited resources, predict the occurrence of risks and problems that may adversely affect the progress of projects. Organizations in which a large number of projects are being implemented simultaneously face problems related to resource overload, low efficiency of communications between team members, and the increase in the cost and timing of projects. Information overload of projects with irrelevant and disparate data is also a problem in the process of making necessary management decisions. The use of project management information systems is considered beneficial for project managers because of the expected contribution to more timely decision-making and project success. The implementation of PMIS in an organization with a multi-project environment can help achieve the set project goals, which is an effective strategy for managing multiple projects. In this article is conducted a study related to the definition and assessment of the impact of project management information systems on the effectiveness of project implementation in a multi-project environment. Based on industry interviews and comparative analysis of project management software designing of a novel model for the basic architecture of a «Smart» Project Management Information System is proposed. SPMIS would eliminate the identified shortcomings of existing systems on the market and would improve the efficiency of project management based on identified industry needs and requirements.

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