The impact of system engineering on the development of the project on the example of very small work teams

V.S. Teslyuk, A.Yu. Shamanin


This article substantiates the need to integrate and combine the principles of system engineering and project management on the example of seamless interaction between a student and an employer. The authors of the article draw attention to the fact that even in very small teams, system engineering can help improve project processes, improve product quality and reduce development time. This is achieved through the introduction of standards and methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, requirements and configuration management, etc., which allow you to effectively manage projects and pay attention to key aspects of development.

The authors analyzed the five-year experience of student interaction with the employer, identified key points and bottlenecks in the process: the lack of experience of students in project management, lack of knowledge and practical skills in applying methods of a systematic approach to communication and work within the project.

A description of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard for small teams is given and a solution to the problem of interaction and communication within interdisciplinary teams is proposed. The absence of standards for very small teams in the domestic scientific field leads to the destruction of work and a decrease in the productivity of development teams.

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