Digital Medical Images Encryption Approach in Real Time Applications

Muaayed F. Al-Rawi, Izz K. Abboud, Nasir A. Al-Awad


Patient information and medical imaging data are now subject to stringent data security and confidentiality standards as a direct result of the proliferation of telemedicine techniques and medical imaging instruments. Because of the problems described above, as well as the possibility of data or information being stolen, this brings up the dilemma of transmitting data on medical images via an open network. In the past, potential solutions included the utilization of methods such as information concealment and image encryption. Nevertheless, attempting to reconstruct the original image utilizing these approaches may result in complications. In the process of this paper, an algorithm for safeguarding medical images based on the pixels of interest was established. Detection of image histogram peaks for the purpose of calculating peaks in medical pictures pixels of interest in medical images that have had their threshold values processed. The threshold is shown by taking the average of all the peaks in the histogram. After that, a Sudoku matrix is used to assign values of interest to each of these pixels. The proposed method will be assessed by a variety of statistical procedures, and the outcomes of these analyses will be compared to previously established standards. According to the findings, the suggested method has superior security performance in comparison to other image encryption methods already in use.

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