On the information security controls database developed in accordance with ISO/IEC 27002:2022

D.S. Burenok, V.A. Voevodin


The article describes a database containing a set of information security controls to automate the process of implementing an information security management system (ISMS). Author justifies the structure of the database of information security controls, using which it is possible to carry out the design of an appropriate ISMS and design a formal ontology of the subject area. The solution is based on the clauses of the international standard ISO/IEC 27002:2022 and the results of analysis of the attributes of information security measures specified in ISO/IEC 27002:2022.  The database is designed within a relational data model and provided with a graphical interface for user interaction. MS Access is used as the database management system. Interactive functionality of the database is implemented in the VBA programming language, as well as using built-in MS Access elements. SQL syntax is used to generate queries. The novelty of the database involves the use of a two-level graphical interface and the implementation of features to select information security controls based on the specified filters.  The proposed solution allows to automate the process of building an ISMS. Parts of the solution were registered as intellectual property objects in Russian patent and trademark office (Rospatent).

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D. S. Burenok. The information security controls database in accordance with ISO/IEC 27002:2022// 30-ya Vserossiiskaya mezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov i aspirantov “Mikroelektronika i informatika-2023”, 20 – 21 apr., 2023, Zelenograd.


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