Development of a monitoring system for a server application
The purpose of this work is to study an approach for creating a monitoring subsystem for a server application of a medical information system for analyzing thyroid ultrasound images. To achieve this goal, the architecture of the subsystem for analyzing the health of the server application was designed, implemented and studied. It is based on a bunch of Prometheus, Grafana, Clickhouse tools and the Apache Spark engine. Prometheus acts as a means of collecting metrics from the nodes of the analyzed system, Grafana - as a means of visualizing data and alerting about failures within the medical system, Clickhouse - for data storage. To obtain information about the operation of the server application of the medical system, author's solutions are used to create exporters of metrics that allow you to both embed them in the application nodes and arrange them in the form of separate containers. This approach allows you to quickly rebuild the monitoring system for changes in the server application. The search for anomalies in the metrics of controlled parameters in real time is performed using Apache Spark and machine learning methods. The proposed solution for creating a monitoring subsystem for a server application has shown its effectiveness in testing the operation of a medical system.
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