The ontologies’ applications to solve the automated generation of image processing algorithms’ problem

V.V. Belov, A.K. Lopatin


The article deals with the application of ontology as an alternative means of automated generation of image processing algorithms. Specific to the field of image processing is the need to take into account the diversity of conditions and forms of operation of basic image processing algorithms. Atomic algorithms, despite having a visually identical effect on the image, can lead to different results when used in an arbitrary order. An ontology is a specification of the conceptualization of a subject area, with certain restrictions depending on the area of interest, and should include a glossary of terms and some specification of their meanings. The use of ontologies contributes to the creation of adequate conceptual models, providing high-quality, controlled information integration. The article proposes the composition of ontologies necessary for storing knowledge related to the subject area "Image Processing". The interaction of ontologies with databases of the generation system is described. The structure of an intelligent system for generating the composition of algorithms is given. The central database is the database of processing objects. Each object is associated with an application domain. Possible characteristics of an object are stored in the applied ontology. The algorithm composition generation module is a subsystem based on a genetic algorithm for image processing.

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